"I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the House of the Lord"
(Psalms 122:1)
Why? Because in the House of the Lord, we can find everything that we need, to be ready when Jesus comes! Throughout this website, we pray that you will find everything that you need, in order to help you live a HOLY GHOST FILLED LIFE.
House of Praise Church is focused on providing the unadulterated Word of God to the WORLD. Look around our website and afterwards, if you have any questions about why you should give your life to Jesus, how to get saved, or what it takes to live a Holy Life, "ASK US".
Click here to learn more about "SALVATION". Also, if you are interested in worshipping with us, or would simply like for someone to pray with you, please feel free to contact us.
As you can see, our first passion is Salvation("Winning Souls To Christ Jesus"), for the Kingdom of God. However, we also strive to be a "True Blessing" to as many of these souls, as possible. Please click on our "Hedges and Hi-Ways Prison Outreach" link, (left side), to see one of our most urgent and current "Godly" inspired endeavors.
We hope to see you again, soon! Check back frequently for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!