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House of Praise Church is a God-ordained ministry led by the Holy Ghost. Pastor Carmen McCain is the anointed facilitator. Located in Birmingham, Alabama, House of Praise is a ministry unlike any other. Ideally, it can be considered a school.

Learning how to obey God, His principles, His qualities, His qualifications, and His heart is our first priority. Chapter by chapter, verse by verse, the Life and Love of God simply leaps off of the pages of the Holy Bible.

This results in an intense hunger and thirst to know more about Him and to be more like him. Without having an intimate relationship with HIM, (for ourselves), nothing else matters.

House of Praise was initiated many years ago, under the direction of the Holy Spirit. It first began as a Saturday night intercessory prayer service (primarily for adults) and a Wednesday evening Bible Class for children. In the beginning, only Pastor Carmen and her three young children were the attendees. It was not long before children and adults flooded both services. 

These services were held in the home of Pastor Carmen. As time progressed, the Holy Spirit added parents and other adults to the weekly prayer services. A yoke destroying anointing spread like "Wildfire" all over the community. People began to come from all over the City to attend these services, seeking healings and deliverances. 

Throughout the years, many have shared personal testimonies of "Salvation", "Healings", "Deliverances" and "Supernatural Miracles"!

"House of Praise Church", as we know it today, was founded in 2001 by Pastor Carmen Mc Cain and Pastor Joyce Williams, Co-founder. Since that time, God has continued to add people to the ministry. HE uses House of Praise in a variety of venues.

There are several ministries under the House of Praise Umbrella:

  • Hedges and Hi-Ways Prison Outreach
  • Warriors of Praise
  • Mothers Against Violence/One Thousand Real Men/Youth Against Violence(since 1992)
  • Hurting Women's Ministry
  • Men's Mentoring Ministry
  • Children's Community Bible Class

House of Praise is a small ministry of GREAT STRENGTH and POWER. It is the SUPREMACY of the Holy Spirit, that causes this ministry, to be such an impacting and influential force of God's SAVING GRACE.

House of Praise is more than just a "Church". It teaches that each individual IS THE "Church", the Body of Christ. At House of Praise, you are taught "how" to use the tools that God has already instilled inside of you.

"Our weapon of WARFARE is not carnal, therefore we do not have to defeat the enemy but ONLY remind him of his ALREADY BEING DEFEATED" (John 2:31). Remember, Satan was defeated over 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ died on the Cross and "AROSE" again.

Our great God, creator of the universe is King! He wants many "souls" (sons) in HIS Royal Kingdom, and at House of Praise we believe that every "soul" counts.

Contact Information:

24 Hour Prayer Line:                                                  (205) 786-7620

Sis. Corliss Ford (for Ministry Scheduling)             (205) 240-3143

Minister Lois Gardner (for Hedges & Hi-Ways)       (205) 516 5634

To send a message to Pastor Carmen, contact:

An armourbearer @ (205) 292 -6289

or (205) 382-0244 



Community Bible Class (Children's Ministry)          Mondays: 6:00 p.m.

Bible Class For All People          Wednesdays and Fridays @ 6:00pm

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